Welcome to a new year at Whycocomagh Education Centre. We are pleased and honored to have your child attend our school. We are truly looking forward to working with, and getting to know, each student and their families in a supportive, welcoming and inclusive learning environment.
Our teachers at WEC do their best to make learning interesting, meaningful and fun! Every student will be challenged everyday with rigorous and meaningful instruction that is aligned with the curriculum outcomes. We strive for excellence from all our students and expect that every student will put forth their best effort each and every day.
At WEC, we believe that routines will help students know what to expect each day. All announcements will be posted weekly on the website calendar, school Facebook page and Twitter feed. In addition, the grading computing system is called PowerSchool. All Grade 3 to 8 teachers will be posting assignments and grades to their Google Classroom and PowerSchool. All parents have access to this system.
If you have questions, comments, concerns or need support at any time, we can be reached by email at [email protected]. We look forward to working with you all!
Welcome to WEC!
Melanie MacDonald, Principal
Andrew MacLean, Vice Principal